Do you view your work/office environment as a place to network? Or is it a dirty word?
A month into a new contract and I can say that I met my now boss through a social event and have already said that the introduction came via my real life social network - through wedding functions now doubt!
But what about when you're in an Organisation?
If I'm being frank, I kinda enjoyed being somewhat 'invisible' and in observer mode for the first couple of weeks. I am also being in a role where I'm not the one needing to make decisions nor responsible for other people for the first time in a long time.
I've discussed in a previous post about the value of physically moving seats and the impact this can have. The coffee room/water cooler/break room opportunities for networking are real again.
Outside of the immediate office, the staff in my department work across a multi site operation and taking and creating the opportunity to go to some of these other sites has meant that I have indeed commenced internal networking - also known as getting to know the people behind the role.
At the end of my first week, I went out for 'Friday wine' with some co-workers from the same department but based at a central London location. This automatically gave me a perspective on the culture.
The specific project I'm involved in also means that we are forecasting a growth in headcount of 20+ in the coming 6 months. Speaking to other newbies, there's a commonality in the 'why.' The psychology of navigating an organisation is an incredibly fascinating thing - it all starts with being curious and asking questions.