Photo taken onboard Queen Anne, taking being 'on the road' to being 'on the waves'
That's it - Four weeks done in the new contract. It's gone pretty quick as I've been able to honour stuff in the diary (sometimes meaning that I'm burning the candle) as well as being away as I type this article.
A common question I'm being asked as the newbie is 'How are you settling in?' or variations thereof. The answer to everyone is pretty much the same - the biggest adjustment for me is being back in an office environment, arguably 5 days a week after almost 13 years. Everything else, for better or worse is secondary.
A good friend of mine and I always speak about the phrase:
'Did you ask?'
This has been in the context of people not being sure about something or assuming, rather than seeking clarity. I think this is true here from a different angle. Asking and Telling.
This last week I've been out and about quite a bit - mainly visiting sites that will be where we're delivering services to once this project goes live. If I had not told/asked my boss, colleagues, anyone that would listen that I wanted to get out to site, I may well have been in the office the whole time.
Let me be clear - I do understand why a huge part of my role needs to be office based (for now) but getting out to sites, will help me learn the business quicker as well as meet some key stakeholder in person.
Back to a 4 day week...
....which was not just in the office as cited above. There was one day in the office that was particularly fun as it seemed that everyone was in, and those that were hot deskers were also in. It was one of those days that reminds me of why people want to be in the office - there's a buzz about it. Even if things do get a little noisy!
I also had a great day on the road with a couple of my co-workers and it was indeed great to meet 'in person' a couple of stakeholders that I will be having fortnightly video calls with.
The week ahead will be 3 days due to previously committed holiday.
By the time I'd left for my mini-break, I'd got this back to regulated state. Although I'd say it was a healthier week than the week prior, being on the road did disrupt some eating times. I'm not so hopeful for next week as I am on a cruise....
On caffeine...
One 'bad' day - 4 cups - again, I attribute this one to being on the road.
The flipside of this however is the social side of things that come with those coffees on the road.
On balance, I would guess that from a cost perspective and overall quantity consumption this has been less than prior week.
I've managed to keep all of my extracurricular commitments bar one this week. Lessons in consistency here. One that will be reviewed in the month reflection.
The next time you want something in a work environment, it may be you that needs to start the conversation. Don't wait for formal reviews - they have a time and a place. So, did you ask?