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Writer's pictureRupa Datta

STOP! Slow down, and relax…..

We've entered into Week 4 of UK Lockdown – now also knowing that we have a few more weeks of this. A summary of the week's so far:Week 1 – a minor adjustment to business as usual for me. Not hitting the road nor networking, I welcomed what felt like simply an extended period of 'admin time'.Week 2 – much of the same, with the added sprinkle of navigating the odd change to home routines. For an introvert and someone used to being very autonomous with their time, the sudden increase in video conferencing and additional meetings from all directions were an interesting initial reaction to observe. Week 3 – Here I went into organise mode following an inevitable change to the time devoted to 'paid work'. By the end of the week though, I was super relaxed, valued the home time with loved ones and had found my creative flow once more.This week, I'm not sure how much I've achieved and felt rather like a busy fool. What I have noticed however is that my penchant for naps has returned. Hoorah!For the last year or so, I've been working on consciously listening to my body's needs (I'll expand on this another time). Often, external demands on this. However, our health and the shell that surrounds it is our guide to our own needs and we owe it to ourselves and listen.A friend of mine has been releasing short videos to help us all during this period of change. Whether they are an opportunity for you to temporarily switch off, or when the call for a nap comes, give this a try. This particular one I'm sharing here has really helped because I am organically at the point where I am listening to the need to relax.​

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