Guest blog by Adrian Evans How are you responding to Brexit?I have been speaking with a number of clients over the last week and the key message that seems to be coming through is: A significant amount of fear is influencing people’s current behaviour as a reaction to Brexit.As a very proud Welshman, I am delighted with the progress and also the character of the Welsh football team. The manager Chris Coleman summed it up nicely as how to deal with fear:“What is fear? Fear to me is put into people from outside influences and you spend so much time concentrating on what you don’t want to happen, rather than on exactly what you want to – believe in it and go and do it. If mistakes come they come. The message to our players has been no fear, express yourselves, enjoy it…” That got me thinking about a well-known truism – people who react to the world are rarely in control of their careers, yet those who respond and adapt create opportunities and develop. So are you reacting or responding to Brexit? Tools that will help develop overcome fear and thrive post Brexit Expand your existing comfort zone step by step. The process of developing greater self-confidence is achieved only when you actually do rather than think about doing. When you experience something new, irrespective of whether you succeed or fail, you will grow from the experience. The opportunity to learn from the experience will allow you to realise that you have achieved more than you previously thought.This is how we learn throughout life, as children this is how we learnt to walk – lots of unsuccessful attempts first. Remind yourself of your career successes to date. Once a quarter, review your successful business contributions and write them down in a journal. This is effective for a number of reasons; firstly it charts your progress and makes you feel good and secondly you are reminding yourself of how successful you have been. It provides a permanent reference point to refer back to when new challenges occur. It is also useful to identify feelings of confidence you have previously experienced and bring those feelings back to assist you in a challenging situation. Ask yourself what you saw when you felt confident, what did you hear, and what did you say to yourself? So that when you are feeling unconfident, you can remind yourself of the experiences you felt at a time when you were confident.These feelings will come back to you, you can then use these resources to maximise your chance of success in your new situation. Do you need help to define your post Brexit strategy to make your career even more successful?Contributed by Adrian Evans of Accelerated Career Results First published on LinkedIn Pulse – Jul 06, 2016
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