The Portfolio People blog and website.
The last published one on the legacy website was back in January this year. That’s not to say, I’ve not been writing or posting content. Quite the opposite. Most of which has gone directly to Linkedin, however the recent addition of their ‘save’ feature may mean I can house some of those musings back here.
And that’s the point, to write again, reflect and share with anyone interested with a little bit more organisation of topics.
By way re-introduction, I’m at the tail end of a trip to California this summer. 2024 has seen a lot of travel for me and this is certainly not the last bit of exploration this calendar year. What has been fascinating is that most of these opportunities have actually presented themselves to me, I’ve not necessarily sought them out.
A friend and mentor of mine who has been following this journey over the last few months asked me earlier this year…..
‘Have I found what it is that I am looking for?’
Deep, right? Unexpected and caught me off guard. I didn’t know back then nor do I have all of the answers but I am clearer on the directions I can take as I go into 2025, and the ‘why’.
I write these after 3 days consecutively going for a dip/cold plunge/swim - the first two in a backyard pool of my cousin’s home in San Jose and the third here, at a pool providing sanctuary in the heart of San Francisco. I am far from being in the 5am club for this sort of thing, nor do I think that I want to be, but the consistency I will keep until the end of this trip. It gives me that space to think, free from technology whilst being good for the immune system.
Until next time….