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Writer's pictureRupa Datta

Another Year Gone By – a Move to Living More Intentionally

I realised the other day (and perhaps on the odd other occasion this year) that I’d not written generally and in terms of a blog for a while. Consciously (or intentionally) I’ve started journaling again and in conversation with a friend in a similar situation, we compared journaling tools, prompts and whether or not actual handwriting or typing is more effective.

That’s its own story as we’re all different in that regard. I find the journal that I currently have a bit restrictive, however it proves useful on days that I don’t feel like writing. I think there is still a value in typing also and to not get too caught up on the tools. Conversely, one could say that I HAVE written most days this year. I link this to a comment I made on an acquaintance’s Linkedin post a while back. She had committed to posting every weekday for the year. 

My comment was around viewing this as ‘writing’ rather than ‘posting’ – which is how I see my own attitude to social media now. Just doing it, less filtered, if I feel I have something to say, just say it. That’s had its positives for sure – building a personal brand around my backpack(s) in the world I’ve lived 2023 in.

What isn’t so great though is the gaps in the central repository of these pieces – which in reality, this blog/website is for. Either way, I shan’t beat myself up – coming back to it, remembering that there is a history here dating back to 2015 and a lot of other cool things to consolidate is a reason why I’ve asked a friend of mine, Ian of Aegis Web Design to help me with a new site that is fit for 2023/24 and what I, and Portfolio People, will need.

Whilst that is happening in the background, I’m very open to hold myself accountable and share the odd update, via blog, here! I need to remind myself that I still need to write – intentionally – whether it gets published or not, well that’s another matter. 

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